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Chill day

 Mr. Reese wasn’t there yesterday, so it was pretty much a chill day. All I really did was pretty much watch Phineas and Ferb on Disney+ and just relax was only about like five of us in there.
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 We finished answering the questions from yesterday today. That's all we did, and once I was through, I had to take my finals, which were only 15 questions because I didn't take the AP test.

Black mirror

 Today was essentially the same as yesterday. We ate snacks while watching an episode of a program. The task for this was to answer questions from the episode that were provided to each of us. The episode was Nosedive from Black Mirror, and it was rather fantastic. To be honest, I'd want to see more episodes. That was all there was to it for today, and it was pretty easy. 


We finished the film Inception today. And we had some discussion questions to do. Also, we had got a sheet to write what we saw, but I got it today since I wasn’t there Monday, so I just copied off of one of my friends.. That took up the entire class period, and we didn't have any extra time as on previous days. Mr. Rease did, however, offer us chips, Oreos, and 7-Up to eat and drink while watching the movie. Overall, today's lesson was enjoyable and relaxing. 


We played a game today. Someone stood in front of the class and read the questions from the cards. You were granted two points for each question you answered correctly. During the game, my teacher would casually look at me and say that I should answer some questions, and I would just shake my head because I didn't want to play the game.  


 In class, today was a very relaxed day. All we did was go over various prompts and sources. We spoke about them in preparation for the ap lang exam. We finished class early at 2:48 and did nothing for the remainder of the session. Then we were dismissed, and I was eager to get home.