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Showing posts from April, 2023


 Class today was shortened short due to testing. As a result, we only had about an hour of class today. We spent our class hour today presenting our work. Today, just two groups presented, and mine was not one of them. We'll continue presentations with the remaining groups tomorrow, but this class time was really relaxed and a fantastic way to close the day.


We spoke about what we were going to do this week because our schedules were changing. The rest of the period was spent working on our project. Today, my group completed additional slides and is working on getting the video on the slide as well. We didn't finish the questions for one slide, but we'll finish it later. We have a presentation tomorrow, thus this project must be completed today. That was the extent of our activities in class today.


We worked on our group assignment again today. As we were doing that, Mr. Rease went through the project with those who weren't present yesterday. We had to place two articles about our topic in a folder for our project today. My group finished it and made progress on the assignment. We started our PowerPoint presentation and will continue it when we return on Monday. That was all we did in class today. 


 We spoke about our forthcoming project today. We read about the project's specifications. We were separated into groups using a randomizer at beginning. Each group was then allocated a topic by the spinning wheel. We started looking for information for the task when we were separated into groups. As we were doing this, Mr. Rease continued calling people over to discuss their essay outcomes. That's just what we did today.


 I felt exhausted today, and my stomach hurt a lot. But I recall reading a brief prompt in class, but I don't remember much about it. Mr. Rease paused the course about 2:30 to provide comments to everyone who completed the rhetorical analysis essay. Overall, it was a simple day.


 Today in class, we spoke about uncertainty and assurance. Then we decided whether we felt they were in a relationship or not. I chose their stance because I believe that in order to be confident about anything, you must have a strong doubt about the opposite. This brought us to the end of the class.


Today in Mr. Rease's class, we began with a bellringer. We had to define perfection and explain what we wished to improve in our lives. Everyone wrote what they wanted to put on the board, and then we explained why. Then we began a task that will take us largely till the conclusion of class. The task required us to take a stand on the importance of aiming for excellence. We spoke about it for the whole class session.