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Showing posts from January, 2023


We returned to our previous groups in class today and discussed steps 2 and 3. We had begun to write an introduction and instruction paragraphs for the final set up of the work in our groups. We had some difficulty determining this information, but we eventually got something. My group didn't finish, which bothered me, but I knew I'd have to figure it out on my own.


 We had formed groups for a project today. We had gone over the rubric for this project and decided that one of the few topics should be divided into four groups. Security vs. Privacy: Information was the name of my group. This got us thinking about what information is private and what isn't when it comes to social media, bank accounts and social security, scam calls, government programs, and national security. A lot of these things don't always keep information as private as they should.


Today in fourth block, my teacher took up our notes that we were supposed to do while reading some pages of The book wild that we’re reading, but I forgot to take the notes but I did read the pages though, and we were supposed to have a test today but he pushed it back until Monday so I’ll be sure to read those pages again to have a refresher. Also in class we did a little paperwork sheet about claims evidence and explaining your evidence and I that was much it. Also, I have eight days until my birthday.


 Today in class my classmates had to take a test on pages that they read in the wild book but I don’t know how to take it since I wasn’t in that class so I had to read the pages that they read for homework


 Today I really was like in fourth period because I had to go to my junior meeting at 2 o’clock so I really don’t even know what my classmates did in the fourth block


 Today in Ap Lang i have to finish my open book test that i started in class on Friday. That's all i did all class and chat with my classmates 
 Today i had a chill day for real though I was in pain a little bit. In fourth block, my teacher was telling me about how we did the wrong assignment for class yesterday and that we should have never done it,but on the other hand i didn't do it lol. Also in class we continued reading the book "Wild" by Cheryl strayed and while we was reading we had to answer  some questions. 


 Today was an okay day for real i might say. But, my teacher was not here for 4th period so he left us work to do in another teachers class today. so i pretty much sat and talked to my classmates; i got my work done.


 Today during Ap language, I was listening to my classmates was continue reading the book “Wild” by Cheryl. Also we got a worksheet to fill out as we are reading. On the worksheet i had to fill out the themes for the word splitting four times.Not going to lie the book is starting to get really interesting. Also during this period i had a level there lockdown so i was in the counter sitting on a desk in class. But i had a good day today now i have to go to work.


 Today, in the Ap lang we did a little group task and it related to the book wild. My group did research on the water sources, how many miles to the next water sources, and what to use to filter the water. Then after the mini group task we had to present in front of the class. 


 Pro: to be honest with yourself, no one to bother you,peace, limit distractions, recharge your brain, learn yourself, figure out who you are  Cons: lose a sense of people, boredom, bad for mental health, isolation, nobody to discuss emotions/problem with Being alone can be empowering to me when im alone i get things done faster. As if i was not alone because if im not alone i will not get things done on time.

11 January 2023

 Today in class we when over one more rhetorical devices. Also we typed up our notes. Then we read some magazine I forgot what it was called 😂.  And my teacher made me read and I was so nervous cuz I don’t like reading out loud it makes me sounded so slow. We read the first chapter of  “Wild” and it was pretty interesting I might say. But overall my Wednesday was okay. Now let me prepare for Thursday 🥲

2023 Jan 10

 My day was pretty chill to be honest. In Ap language, all we did  all class period before I had my grade was read a book called “wild” and talked about some things. It was a really chill day then we was cracking funny jokes

Bell ringer 2023 Jan 10

When I felt like my life was changed when I was in elementary school, I came home and I found out that I lost my grandmother. When I found that out I felt like my whole life was pointless because I lost my best friend. I wanted to end my life so i can be with her again. But now I know that she is always with me no matter.

2023 Jan 9

So, as a reminder of last week, we discussed rhetorical techniques in AP language today. Then my instructor told me about a book called "wild" that we were going to read tomorrow . When we were discussing different sorts of hiking and what we would need for it, such as the essentials. We also spoke about how to keep wild animals safe.

Bell ringer 1/09

  Hyperbole   1. I'm so hungry I could eat a cow   2. The car ride to ages    Litotes   1. He isn't the brightest bulb  in the box   2. I don't deny that it was wrong .   Antithesis   1.  Keep your mouth closed and your eyes open   2. keep your friends close and your enemies closer  

Jan 4th

 As a student I need to be more organized with my schools work because i attend to lost things when I'm not organized. Also I need to stop procrastinating and just do the work right then and there so i can keep my grades up and have A's and B's. I need start asking questions and answering them.