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Showing posts from September, 2022
I really don't know a lot about Latino culture. I know that Latino speak Spanish as their first language. Also, National Hispanic Heritage Month honors the histories, cultures, and accomplishments of American people with ancestors from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.   

Sep 19

 Today was a okay I guess. All my classes was alright. I fell asleep in my second because I was very tired. In my last class when started reading a play called the fences and it was it was pretty interesting even though it read it fa 15 mins before school was over . Also we did a bell ringer by answer 4 questions. 

Rockpile one pager


Sep 14

 Not going to lie i was not having a good day. But, i pushed through it by listening to music and just staying quiet. In my fourth block class we took a test as a class and my teacher was talking about how the one pager is due on Monday of next week because he wont be there tomorrow and Friday. 

Sep. 13

 Today, was an okay day for real nothing too much. During my fourth block class, we did a bell ringer. then, as a whole class we answered some multiple choice questions. my teacher introduces a new assignment called the one pager and it on the rockpile story that we read as a class.   

Sep 12 Bell ringer

Nothing really stands out to me when it comes to my neighborhood. My neighborhood is not really not  unique to me it just feels like a regular neighborhood fool real. My neighborhood is in the middle of good and bad. I said that because a lot of  people be doing drugs outside and I feel like little kids should not be seeing that. Yes my parents let me go outside but I just choose  not to

Sep. 12

When I woke up this morning it didn’t feel like I had school today it felt like it was still the weekend. The weekend went by so fast it don’t make no sense. In 4th block, we read a story called the rock pile. The story was interesting but at the same time it wasn’t. But, before we read the story we did a bell ringer in our blogs about our neighborhoods. My teacher used the wheel to pick people from the class so he could hear from them. I can’t believe one of my classmates said she used to play with snakes when she was a kid. I could never do that lol.

Sep 9th

To be honest, I didn't want to go to school today since it was one of those days. But I pushed through those 8 hours of school to go home and sleep since I'm not feeling well today, which is OK. My teacher read a novel to the class called "Ambush" in my last period lesson, and we spoke as he was reading. We also define certain terms and respond to three questions.

Sep. 9th bell ringer

Being a veteran for a long time can have an impact on their life once they are no longer a veteran. Veterans who have been in the army for a long time report emotionally stressful or unpleasant events related to military duty, as well as those who report suffering from post-traumatic stress (PTS) as a result of their military experiences, are more likely to report that their transition to civilian life was difficult.

Benchmark pt.2

 All that happened today was that I had to finish my benchmark yesterday  and i was not too happy about that but i just got it over with to be honest. Also yesterday i took a test in my third block class it was so long it was 55 questions.


I'm not going to lie to you today;I was furious from the moment I woke up till the moment I left school since today was not my day for real, but that's alright. We had to take a benchmark quiz in fourth block. I wasn't prepared to take it, but I did, and I didn't even complete number nineteen, which is fine since I can answer it in class tomorrow.

Sep. 6

Today was a relatively laid-back day at school. I honestly have nothing to complain about. The time flew rapidly, but in 4th block, because some students still had to finish their tests, we watched a video about Emily Dickinson. We were required to perform a 321 from the video. I discovered that she nearly composed 1800 poems, but only 10 of them were published.